CRT Indices

VISTA CRT Indices™

VISTA CRT Indices are financial benchmarks based on daily pricing of Connecticut Avenue Securities (CAS) and Structured Agency Credit Risk (STACR®) debt notes issued by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, respectively. Collectively, these securities are known as Credit Risk Transfer (CRT) securities. CRT securities reference the payment, delinquency, and default performance of a designated group of mortgage loans guaranteed by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (GSEs). A significant portion of any losses experienced by GSEs is transferred to the security holders per the terms of the bonds.

VISTA CRT Indices introduce reliable and transparent measures for pricing residential mortgage credit risk instruments as well as offering standard mortgage credit performance benchmarks for investors and lenders. Overall, they reflect the health of the US housing market and residential mortgage credit conditions.

Calculating VISTA CRT Indices™

VISTA CRT Indices are intended to be accurate and reliable representations of activity in U.S. residential mortgage credit market. Indices are calculated using readily available daily CRT security prices determined as of 4:00 p.m. Eastern time from estimates based on reported transactions and interactions with market participants including large underwriters and secondary-market broker dealers of CRT securities.

Source inputs are generally in the form of the estimated prices, and spread levels, at which liquidity can be obtained on behalf of the owner of such securities for a round lot transaction. Inputs also include the discount margin and estimated average life of each CRT security.

Computation of Single Security Values

VISTA, serving as Calculation Agent, computes a security price, discount margin, and average life for each CRT security by (1) extrapolating prices from observable market data; (2) reported transactions; and (3) evaluating inputs received directly from market sources – this computation results in a composite price, discount margin, and average life for each CRT security.

Discount margin and average life assume a 10 CPR and zero default rate.

Computation of VISTA CRT Index Values

VISTA computes index-related values by averaging composite CRT security prices, discount margins, average life, coupons, and factors for each index, weighted by the market value of the unpaid principal balance (UPB) of each CRT security in the index. The market value is rebalanced on the 25th day of each month, or the next business day if the 25th falls on a weekend or holiday.

Data Contingency

On most days, Vista CRT Indices™ and related CRT security prices will be published based on the methods described above. If VISTA deems that available pricing data is incomplete and insufficient to publish an index or specific security price, then the publication may be delayed. Under extraordinary circumstances, when all current data sources are insufficient, VISTA may publish indices and CRT security data using the prior day’s prices in the absence of adequate data. In such conditions, the change in source will be noted when the daily reports are published.

VISTA’s Oversight Committee reviews these methodologies on a regular basis.