MDX Swap Life Cycle
Explore our MDX Trade Example document for a detailed walkthrough of the MDX swap life cycle, including calculations and operational insights to simplify onboarding.
MDX Trading Protocols
In this article, we discuss the emerging trading protocols and infrastructure for trading, processing and clearing MDX Swaps along with the benefits that accrue through this collective approach.
Former Policymaker Discusses MDX
MDX swap pricing can play an important role in housing and mortgage public policy. To provide a perspective on its potential value, we asked former regulator Ed Golding to share his views.
Historical MDX Swap Pricing
Insights into MDX swap pricing through historical data analysis.
Dynamic Hedging
MDX swaps hedge diverse mortgage credits, correlating with the performance of various mortgage instruments.
Positioning MDX Swaps
MDX swaps are intended to be a derivative complement to mortgage credit products and portfolio management.
MDX is for Everyone
MDX swap pricing is patterned on plain vanilla swaps consisting solely of fixed coupon payments and floating Credit Event write-down amounts.
Pricing MDX - Now Underway
MDX indices and MDX swaps have uses for everyone who has or seeks exposure to changes in household balance sheet health in the US.